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By Amanda Dohrmann

How to create a gallery wall in a nursery or child's room

How to make a gallery wall in a kids room or nursery.

Gallery walls are a fabulous way of pulling together favourite pieces of art that you have collected over the journey. They are also a great way to display your child’s own art or family photos.

1.Select your art pieces and plan it out.

The first step is to work out where you would like the gallery wall and how large it is. This will determine how many pieces you need to frame and hang.

When selecting you art (please don’t be shy to add in personal touches such as photos, your child’s art – this instantly makes the gallery personal) try and keep the colour palette and  tone similar. This keeps the look more polished. If you are after a more eclectic look then just grab all the pieces that you love and have fun.

So that you don’t hammer in thousands of nails into your walls its best to lay out the wall on the floor before you start hammering in for dear life. Mark out a space the same size as your gallery wall on the floor and lay out you frames. Take a photo so you know where everything is going to go.

Make sure that you allow the same 3inches of space around EACH Frame to give the wall a cohesive feel.

2.Place the biggest piece first

According to Emily Henderson ( stylebyemilyhenderson.com) here are the tips to making the wall look professionally put together.

Start by placing you biggest piece first and build around that. Its good to place the biggest piece slightly off centre or in a corner. “why off centre? So, your eye travels around the gallery wall, rather than going straight to the middle.

3. 2nd Largest Piece is placed

Next step is to place your 2nd largest piece, Emily suggests placing this diagonally from your largest piece, this can be next to it or on the opposite corner of the wall. Now, all you have to do is fill in the empty space and you are almost done!

 4. Fill out the wall

When filling out, and adding more pieces make sure you mix up the orientation of the frames, meaning hanging both vertically and horizontally. This will make sure that the look is fresh and interesting. The frames do not all have to match either, by adding different frames it will add pops of colour and texture to the wall. If you are after a sleeker  look then you can use the same style or colour frames.


Have fun, play around and give it a go!